Family Fun!・Nursery Nutriment!・Kids Kudos!・Youth Training・Private Training
Hong Kong Institute of Rope Skipping are offering complete and structured Rope Skipping courses with the aim of incubating self-actualization, interest in healthy living as well as realizing one’s full athletic and competitive potential. Our courses offer basic skills training for individual events, long rope events as well as team events, whereby participants can fully experience the joys of rope skipping. The training for our participants will take a holistic, interactive and progressive model ensuring steady growth while maintaining an enjoyable experience.
For more details:
香港花式跳繩學社為青少年提供有系統之花式跳繩訓練,培養青少年對花式跳繩運動之興趣,並在訓練花式跳繩時培養挑戰⾃⼰的價值觀,亦藉此機會發掘有潛質之運動員。課程為學員提供基本花式跳繩動作訓練,涵蓋了基本單⼈繩、⼤繩及朋友跳花式,好讓學員體驗花式跳繩的樂趣。 本課程採⽤進步性步態訓練法及遊戲學習法,使學員能在⼀個愉快的學習環境內享受循序漸進式及互動式的學習。