Rope Skipping Coach Service
Our coaches provide participants with affordable coaching packages based on proven principles of exercise science. By means of a systematic rope skipping training syllabus, participants’ physique, self-confidence, team spirit and communication skills can be greatly enhanced.
Rope Skipping Performance Service
Our performance crews , awarded many significant titles in both local and international tournaments, consists of delegation of HKSAR rope skipping team from HKRSA. Such a professional and energetic crew is capable of delivering astonishing performance in ceremonies of commercial events, annual dinner, carnivals and school visits.
Equipment Sales and Rental
We carry an extensive line of rope skipping equipment, including wire ropes, beaded ropes, speed ropes and everything in between, available for rental and sales. Whether you are renting or buying, give HKIRS a call to know further details.
Team Building Service
Our team building workshop is characterised by its specially-designed debriefing sessions, using experiential learning activities as training metaphors, to establish a strong impact on participants by directly associating the training experience with reality.
Cardio Jump Fitness
Cardio Jump is a new rope skipping concept originated from HKIRS. Our Programmed Fitness Course is suitable for both new learners and experienced. Check out the course schedule now.
Studio Rental
A spacious studio (approximately 1000 sq. ft.) located in Tai Wai is available for rental. Such a favorable place furnished with mirrors is an ideal venue for sports classes, theme-based parties, business events and etc.